
My Story

In March 1993, I joined world’s largest shipping and logistics group as a Sales Executive.

If you were with me at that time, you would have seen, highly motivated me visiting professional buyers in all industries hunting for sales. But Life was tough. Six months into the new sales career, I got my first shock when the management gave me 3 months’ ultimatum due to lack of sales success. I was dejected, discouraged and decided to leave that job.

Obviously frustrated, I met my friend JAY (his family name is JAYewardene) who was in the similar industry in a different company. When I shared my pain of failing; he said something that changed my life forever.

Tissa, it is OK to fail, provided you learned the lessons, avoid repeating same mistakes, acquire new skills and move forward step by step.

Ever since I never looked back. Profitability improvement by many folds was my basic standard year on year. Fifteen years in to illustrious career with worlds’ leader I left that group after becoming Head of Sales and Marketing; to join another European Retail leader for next 10 years.

I have traveled over 30 countries successfully negotiating hundreds of deals with professional buyers. I have conducted negotiation and sales improvement training over dozens of countries for multi-national and multi-cultural audiences.

Now I have turned my pastime hobby to full-time corporate training career to share my on-field acquired negotiation skills with you.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

– Winston Churchill